Ever dreamt of going to Japan, or just curious about this fascinating country, and its customs? This site will provide a glimpse (but only a glimpse) of both of these. One part of the site ("Visit Japan") shows you our trip through Honshu, the main island. The other part ("Learn about Japan") is a collection of informative pages on how to deal with various aspects of life and traveling in Japan.
Currently the Visit Japan pages are individually divided into two parts. First, a brief introductory paragraph introduces the city or site to you as a reader. The second part describes our trip to this destination and what we visited there.
As said the "Learn about Japan" pages are a collection of a information bites which hopefully give you some insight into Japanese culture, and perhaps give you a head start when you visit Japan yourself.
Currently, this site is still under construction; pages are added frequently, and existing pages may be changed with additional information. So please visit again in a while if you cannot find now what you are looking for.